MANUAL SCAVENGING Manual Scavenging is the unsafe manual handling of raw faeces of humans. The International Labour Organization describes three forms of manual scavenging in India: Removing human excrement from public streets and dry latrines (meaning simple pit latrines without a water seal, but not dry toilets in general) Septic tanks cleaning Gutters and sewers cleaning This practice is prevalent in other countries in the names of night men, night soil collectors, gong farmers, dunny men and so on. But most of those countries have found alternatives and preventive measures to this excruciating job. HOW IT BECAME SINNER’S JOB IN INDIA? There are evidences for the existence of manual scavenging in ancient India where slaves are used to do this work. As the time and civilization grows, this practice has also grown up with the society and became as caste based occupation still remains inerasable from the country. Cleaning the faeces of co- humans makes this job vuln...
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