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Showing posts from December, 2020

Why I am an Atheist?

I have been an atheist in my teenage. A series of incidents made me lose faith in God. The rush in the blood during my teenage pushed me into atheism. I campaigned against god to my friends in school and started reading works by atheists. I had no fear and I never prayed to god in those years.  Years later I had to face another series of tragic events that shook me, made me weak. I was helpless and my only appeal was to God. I went through a drastic change and I was very much devoted to God for saving my life and family. So, now I started my quest for the answer to the question "Why Theism?"  In this book "Why I am an Atheist" Bhagat Singh has narrated in a very simple way why he is an atheist and what it costs to be an atheist. He explains it with some events and personalities he came across in his life. 1) "Am I an atheist because of my sheer vanity? No, it needs huge courage to be an atheist by not praying to god in the most difficult situations of life&quo

Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a fiction written by George Orwell and published in 1944. I hope many would have read this classic fiction and I thought of sharing ideas about the book. The book is a satire that attacks the communist party of the Soviet Russia. The author is known for not endorsing communism and capitalism as well. The story starts with a meeting of animals in the Manor farm presided by the old major in February. He shares his experience in the farm to his fellow animals and educates them about the liberty from humans through revolution. He explains them how humans are enslaving animals and robbing their labor. After a few days of the meeting the old major dies. Then Snowball takes charge of liberating the animals and animals revolt against Mr. Jones of Manors farm. Successfully the animals drive off Mr. Jones and renames the farm into Animal Farm in October. Snowball writes the 7 commandments told by the old major as the rules for the administration of the farm. The February and Oc